Wednesday, December 28, 2011

नोभेम्वर '११

कात्तिके कुकुरहरुले मस्ती गर्दैछन् । 4 Nov 011

- Sometimes first impressions are neither the best nor the correct ones. 5 Nov 011

- मेरो प्रिय सपनालाई मुन्टोमा थिचेर हत्या गरुँ र अरुको लागि हाँसू वा मेरो चिचिलो चाहनालाई पुरा गरुँ र अरुलाई बेखुशी पारुँ ।? शायद जिन्दगी कसैको बन्दकी होईन, र म पनि ।
10 Nov 011

- नेताको दास कार्यकर्ता, कार्यकर्ताको दास जनता! प्रकृया उल्तो भयो, सुल्टाउनु पर्नेछ । म सधैं दास प्रथाको बिरुद्धमा उभिनेछु । 13 Nov 011

- एक्लोको अर्थ अन्त होईन, एक्लोपन पिडा होईन । एक्लो हुनु त, स्वतन्त्रताको जित हो, शान्ति प्राप्ती हो र आफ्नै सपनाहरुको समिक्षा हो । 15 Nov 011

- RUN,.. run doesn’t always mean to run Away.. but to go Faster! 16 Nov 011

- Innocent Smiles and Sweet Tears are really valuable! 17 Nov 011
(I thought we were losing true feelings and being like a machine day by day. But, when a child comes with severe illness and leaves alright, feels me so good inside. And the situation is much pretier when he wants me to go his home with him. Although, he was crying but tears were really sweet! I loved his innocence.. i loved his sense of emotional attachment. They are very important and carries so much value in my life!)

Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
(Reminds of those beautiful days! Welcome n Best of Luck MLTR!) 13 Nov 011
(Ya, no doubt that the song is really beautiful and winning the millions of heart n soul with its wonderful lyrics, music n vocal. It is one of the fav song of mine too, memories feels so fresh when i listen again n again.)

- The more we Give, more the Demand is! 20 Nov 011

- तिमीलाई जे निर्णय सहि जस्तो लाग्छ, त्यो सहि नै नहुन सक्छ तर पनि तिमी आँफैसँग भने सधैं सहि नै हुनेछौ । अरुलाई देखेर निर्णय सच्याउन खोज्दा कालन्तरमा त्यो गलत हुने सम्भावना त्यत्तिकै रहिरहन्छ जुनबेला तिमीसँग मुकाविला गर्ने कुनै आधार बाँकी रहन्न, न त ज्ञान र नैतिकता नै । 22 Nov 011

- मैले पनि केही दिन अघी आफ्नै अनुभूति फेसबुकमा शेयर गरेको थिएँ । जीवनमा कहिले काही आँशुलाई पनि प्रेम गर्नु पर्ने अवस्था आउदो रहेछ । शायद त्यो क्षणलाई हामीले महशुस गर्नु/नगर्नुमा पो भर पर्छ कि!? 25 Nov 011

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